Cutting off a shirt sleeve can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With these simple steps, you’ll learn how to remove the sleeves from any shirt in just a few minutes.
The easiest way to cut sleeves off a shirt is to cut them at the neckline. Cut the sleeve off the shirt and then pull it off the shirt. Next, use the remaining sleeve as a guide to cut the shirt on the sides. Once the two cuts are made, pull the shirt off the arm. Lastly, pull out the extra sleeve and discard it.
You don’t need to be a professional seamstress to make sleeves. There are plenty of easy ways to cutting the sleeves off a shirt.
Some people just use their favorite pair of scissors to cut the sleeves off. Some even use an old toothbrush to do the job. In this guide, we’ll explain how to cut sleeves off a shirt quickly and easily.
1. With a Pair of Scissors, Cut Along the Sleeve Seam
To cut the sleeves off a shirt with a pair of scissors, start by cutting along the seam of the sleeve. Then, cut along the shoulder seam and around the neckline. Finally, cut off the excess fabric around the armhole.
2. Cut along the sleeve seam with a rotary cutter.
To make a clean cut, you must use a rotary cutter or ruler and a fabric pencil. A rotary cutter is a tool with a sharp blade to cut fabric along the seam line. Rotary cutters are available at craft stores and online retailers like Amazon and Walmart.
Cut along the sleeve seam with your rotary cutter, being sure not to go too far past where you want your sleeves to end up being shortened (we suggest about an inch).

3. Use Pinking Shears to Cut Along the Sleeve Seam
If you want to cut the sleeves off your shirt, there are a few things that you can do. One of the easiest ways is to use pinking shears. Pinking shears are not used for cutting fabric in general but specifically for keeping fabric from fraying and unraveling.
They also prevent raveling by creating a zigzag edge on each side of the cut seam. When using pinking shears, be sure not to apply too much pressure, as this could result in cutting through more than just the seam underneath!
4. Use a Seam Ripper to Remove the Sleeve Seam Carefully
Using a seam ripper, carefully remove the sleeve seam. You must cut through both sides of the sleeve and then remove it.
Use a seam ripper to remove the sleeve seam carefully. Use your fingers or scissors to gently pull apart the stitches holding together each side of your shirt’s armhole opening.
Cut off any loose threads with scissors or a thread snip, and then turn over your shirt so that you can cut off any excess threads at the bottom hem (if applicable).

5. Cut the Sleeve off with a Sharp Knife
You can cut the sleeve off with a sharp knife, but this method is only recommended if you are an expert in cutting clothes or have someone who knows how to do it for you.
If done wrong, this method will leave the shirt looking like a rag, and the stitching may be visible on both sides of your arm holes.
6. Use a Paper Cutter to Cut Along the Sleeve Seam
Use a paper cutter to cut along the sleeve seam. First, you will need a straight edge on the paper cutter that matches your sleeve seam.
Hold the shirt down with one hand, and use your other hand to run the paper cutter along the seam. Cut all of it off entirely or at different points depending on how big or small you want your sleeves to be!

7. Use a Rotary Cutter to Trim the Sleeve Seam
To trim the sleeve, you’ll need to use a rotary cutter. Place your shirt on a cutting mat and gently run the rotary cutter along the sleeve seam with enough pressure to cut it cleanly.
You might also want to place some scraps of fabric underneath your shirt so that if anything goes wrong, there’s nothing for you to ruin!
8. Use Pinking Shears to Zigzag Along the Sleeve Seam
Sew along the sleeve seam using your regular machine, and then use a seam ripper to remove both threads from each sleeve seam, leaving only one stitch in place on each side.
This will help prevent your shirt from fraying as you cut around it later. Using pinking shears, slowly spiral down and around your shirt sleeve until you reach its bottom edge.
This way, no matter how many times you’ve gone over that same spot with a pair of scissors (or any other sharp object), there’ll still be enough fabric left over so that when we start cutting away at our edges later on today, they won’t fray too much before we’re done.

9. Use a Seam Ripper to Remove the Sleeve Completely
A seam ripper is a tool that can easily be found in any sewing kit. The most common use of the seam ripper is to remove stitches and seams from clothing, but it can also be used to remove the sleeve from your shirt if you’ve cut too far down.
To do this, carefully cut along the seam with a pair of scissors until you reach the point where you want to remove the sleeve. Then use the seam ripper to gently pry each side of the stitching until there’s enough room to pull out your arm through them (without ripping off too much fabric).
Once you have done this, continue cutting along both sides of where your arms were until they’re completely separated from one another.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are different ways to cutting sleeves off shirt. You can either cut the sleeves off by hand, or you can use a pair of scissors. Whatever method you choose, don’t cut the sleeves off too short. This can make the arms look weird.